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Offaly Traveller Movement is a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital (a “CLG”). We operate as a charity in line with the Charities Governance Code. The Board of Directors is committed to the six principles of the Code meaning that each member commits to fulfilling our obligations under the code, including all actions under the six principles, which are:


  1. Advancing the Charitable Purpose of Offaly Traveller Movement
  2. Behaving with integrity
  3. Leading people within Offaly Traveller Movement
  4. Exercising control over Offaly Traveller Movement
  5. Working effectively for Offaly Traveller Movement
  6. Being accountable and transparent for Offaly Traveller Movement


In addition to the six principles of the Governance Code, our Board commits to and is guided by the following:

  • To act with honesty and integrity and exercise good judgement
  • To act in the best interests of the Offaly Traveller Movement at all times
  • To act independently


Offaly Traveller Movement is committed to the full participation of Travellers at all levels within the organisation. The governing document of Offaly Traveller Movement is our Constitution, incorporating a memorandum and articles of association. The Constitution is the internal legal document setting out our purpose, objects, and the rules by which the organisation is governed.

Board of Directors

  • Thomas McDonagh – Chairperson
  • John Joyce – Secretary
  • Chris McDonagh – Treasurer
  • Lilly Ward
  • Mary Rose Kerrigan
  • Ann Sheeran
  • Dierdre Arnold
  • Martina McDonagh

Organisational Chart

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